#pašivainīgi #stopthevictimmentality
jāYou really have to wonder. I've seen places where the office workers are like 40% Muslim on a floor. It's an in-group that has every incentive to behave that way, and the government preferentially hires them already. So is it wise to have Ahmed Ali Khan doing your airport checks, patrolling your local drug dealers, writing immigration policy, or staffing the foreign service?
Government is in bed with the middle east, getting back-handers to let the migrants in to filter out the trash in their countries. At the same time they're in bed with the chinese to allow all their surveillance tech and products into the country. Meanwhile the globalists and banks are keeping the plebs mortgage slaves with the housing market.
Only a total retard would live in this country.


vai arī..
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12887825/Brothers-jailed-40-YEARS-shot-robbers-tried-steal-motorbikes.htmlTwo brothers have been put behind bars for a total of 40 years after they ambushed and fired a gun at men who tried to steal their motorbikes in an 'extremely reckless' attack.
Christopher Nourse, 45, and his 42-year-old brother Colin, were spending an evening together at Colin's house when they noticed a group of men outside, lurking near their motorcycles in a bid to steal them.
They were eventually disturbed by a resident and fled empty-handed.
However, when two of them returned later that same evening, the brothers were lying in wait armed with guns.
Christopher Nourse opened fire, shooting one of the men in the arm and forcing them to flee.
Nu ko gaudieties, vajag vienkārši saņemties un būt patriarham... Un tie, kas tā dara, dabū dzīvi ieslodzījumā par labu darbu.