gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2023-08-18 19:02:00

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Beidzot noklausījos Rogana sarunu ar Robertu Kenediju jaunāko un tā pastiprināja manu depresiju par pašreizējo pasauli. Kovidplandēmija un vaxinocīds bija tikai odziņa uz vecas kūkas. Uzticība mūsdienas medicīnas industrijai nokritusies līdz minimumam. Protams, viņš pamatā runā par ASV lietām, bet nedomāju, ka Eiropa, kas ir tās vasalis, ir radikāli citāda. Rietumu ārstu ģilde konkurē ar politiķiem, žurnālistiem un "zinātniekiem" korumpētākās kastas kategorijās. Bringers of death and malady.

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2023-08-20 22:02 (saite)
labs bija- listened to it while I was sorting screws. There was a time when the Left would harbour suspicions (in their harbour) of corporations, and rightly so. My first office job was for a corporation: the walls were haunted by psychopath poltergeists. I bailed after 8 months.

I know the refrain is now an old one, but it beggars belief/encourages contempt that the modern progressive ones have such a blind spot for these rapacious conglomerates.

It is as if all these Satori types can't think without a reading list. They still don't know how money is created. If you don't know that, how can you wonder where thoughts come from?


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