gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2023-06-27 13:54:00

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“controlled spontaneity”
"Whatever happens in UK, whether terrorism and response to it, or other event like "climate summit", covid, and any other political stunt/bullshit expect it to be completely manufactured reality. The UK and US laugh at north korea, potemkin villages, but they use way more cunning techniques. What the elites laugh at is the crudeness of these countries in propaganda, while they lobotomize their own populations with much higher potency."
The British government has prepared for terrorist incidents by pre-planning social media campaigns which are designed to appear to be a spontaneous public response to attacks, Middle East Eye has learned.

Hashtags are carefully tested before attacks happen, Instagram images selected, and “impromptu” street posters are printed.

In operations that contingency planners term “controlled spontaneity”, politicians’ statements, vigils and inter-faith events are also negotiated and planned in readiness for any terrorist attack.
The purpose of the operations, according to a number of people involved in their creation who spoke to MEE, is to shape public responses, encouraging individuals to focus on empathy for the victims and a sense of unity with strangers, rather than reacting with violence and anger.

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2023-06-27 14:52 (saite)
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