gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2023-06-15 22:41:00

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Shunning can be the act of social rejection, or emotional distance. In a religious context, shunning is a formal decision by a denomination or a congregation to cease interaction with an individual or a group, and follows a particular set of rules. It differs from, but may be associated with, excommunication.

Social rejection occurs when a person or group deliberately avoids association with, and habitually keeps away from an individual or group. This can be a formal decision by a group, or a less formal group action which will spread to all members of the group as a form of solidarity. It is a sanction against association, often associated with religious groups and other tightly knit organizations and communities. Targets of shunning can include persons who have been labeled as apostateswhistleblowersdissidentsstrikebreakers, or anyone the group perceives as a threat or source of conflict. Social rejection has been established to cause psychological damage and has been categorized as torture[1] or punishment.[2] Mental rejection is a more individual action, where a person subconsciously or willfully ignores an idea, or a set of information related to a particular viewpoint. Some groups are made up of people who shun the same ideas.[3]

Social rejection was and is a punishment in many customary legal systems. Such sanctions include the ostracism of ancient Athens and the still-used

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2023-06-15 23:12 (saite)
Nē tur bija citādi:

`` Tas ir mapats. Viņš tevi Methodrone vispār par cilvēku neuzskata [ seko mapata citāts]``

Bet visādi citādi, dalabi katrs liels cilvēks pats tiek skaidrībā ar ko komunicēt ar ko nē.

Es vienīgi redzu ka zazim piemēram joprojām lielā sāpe ka es akšausmas runāju argnidrologu :D

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2023-06-15 23:34 (saite)
Nu tad beidz arī pats tēlot šausmināto. Nepiš tevi Methodron jūtas. Kā tipisks kriesais drons, tu uzmenties par white knight aizstāvi cilvēkiem, kas tev to nelūdz un kuriem tā nav vajadzīga.

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