gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2023-05-11 18:40:00

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War against Iran has been in the plans for more than a decade, so it's not a surprise.

Trump stopped it despite all the warmongering from both parties, but now that war is already going on in Ukraine and can serve as a distraction, it's a good time to initiate the conflict at a minimal PR hit. It's escalation time everywhere.

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2023-05-12 00:22 (saite)
No Tevis, ar šiem uzvedinošajiem jautājumiem, mēģina izmakšķerēt kādu neuzmanīgu izteikumu, ko vēlāk izmantot nomelnošanai, vai iesniegumam kautkur. To dara kāds no cibiņiem, kas slēpjas zem šī pavisam nesen reģistrētā lietotāja.

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