gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2022-12-28 19:32:00

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The difference between Buddhism and Christianity is that in Christianity you assume the subjectivity of the Logos which then opens up a direct bridge towards the immutable center of the Godhead.

In Buddhism, you assume the subjectivity of this immutable center straight up.

So Buddhism and Christianity are paradoxically the two religions that are closest to each other, by virtue of the fact both posit that God is found from "within", but also the two that are farthest. It goes without saying that at some point the "voidness" of the Godhead is found within Christianity as well, by virtue of the fact in the final analisis the Son is none other than the Father.

Christianity is an "other power" religion par excellence, but contains the possibility to realize the voidness of the Godhead directly. Buddhism is a self-power religion par excellence, but contains a "Christian-like" possibility in the Amidist or "pure land" schools. Westerntard atheists who imagine Buddhism preaches what they believe have no idea whatsoever how mistaken they are.

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2022-12-29 01:20 (saite)
Tā nu tas ir, ka ir vairākas tradicionālā budisma skolas. Bet nu akadēmiski iziet tam cauri, nav tas pats, kas to praktizēt. Tad droši vien būtu jāmācās valoda un jādzīvo tajā kultūrā.

Nujā, ir arī šarlatāni jaunajās garīgajās kustībās, tur tiešām var sanākt vēja ķeršana, ja viss sajaukts kopā. Bet nu droši vien jāskatās kādi ir skolotāji. Deivida Linča transcendentālā meditācija, šķiet, viņam neko ļaunu nenodara un nāk par labu viņa mākslai. No malas šķiet, ka viņš nedzīvo tik virspusēju dzīvi kā es.

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