cits ([info]garamgajejs) rakstīja,
@ 2021-08-05 17:27:00

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"This rejection of race doesn’t entail the denial of racism. Quite the opposite: race is a fiction with real effects – and Gilroy has spent much of his life pointing these out. But its constructed nature does mean that when we see a person’s racial identity, what we’re really seeing is a “virtual reality given meaning only by the fact that racism endures”, as he has written. Subjugated people might find solace and community in their race, but the long-term consequence of anti-racist work should be to discard the idea of “race” altogether."

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2021-08-10 14:38 (saite)
Par cik quillette recenzijas autors nav baltais, pagaidām uzskatīšu, ka rasists un ksenofobs esi tu, Tukuma reihstāga dedzinātāju aizstāvi.

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2021-08-10 14:46 (saite)
"Tukuma reihstāga dedzinātāju" 🤡🤡🤡

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2021-08-10 20:00 (saite)
Patiesi, klaunu pasaule ir tas, ko tavi neoliberālie sociālisti vēlas iedibināt.

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2021-08-10 20:55 (saite)
Vēl nav svētdiena, bet jau vīnu sadzēries?

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2021-08-10 22:56 (saite)
Sadzērušies jau ir tie, kuri noliedz atšķirīgu populāciju tālejošās socioloģiskās sekas.

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