cits ([info]garamgajejs) rakstīja,
@ 2021-04-22 11:04:00

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"The alliance estimates that Pfizer has paid out $8.44bn in dividends, Johnson & Johnson $10.5bn in dividends and $3.2bn in share buybacks, and AstraZeneca $3.6bn in dividends.
About 700m doses of Covid vaccines have been given around the world, according to the UN, but the numbers are heavily skewed towards rich countries. “On average in high-income countries, almost one in four people has received a vaccine. In low-income countries, it’s one in more than 500,” said the World Health Organization’s director general, Tedros Adhanonom Ghebreyesus, on 9 April."

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2021-04-22 16:16 (saite)

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2021-04-22 20:09 (saite)
...visos līmeņos. Bet pēc muļkīšu loģikas LMICs dzīvos laimīgie.

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