Fjokla ([info]fjokla) rakstīja,
@ 2013-07-11 15:13:00

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Rīgā, protams, jauki, betē jāsagaida vieni dārza svētki untadgan pizdui švirkts uz meža namiņu. Kapē man sapņos visu laiku rādās ziema? Es bŗienu un brienu un sejā man sitas un es jūtos tīīk nelaimīga pie tam. Sapņu tulki, sakiet, jel, tas uz laimi un jaunu superīgu darbu?

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2013-07-11 16:02 (saite)
Vienīgi tu pati esi spējīga izdomāt, ko ar to vai citu parādību tavā sapnī grib pateikt bezapziņa. Tā man šķiet.

Ā, saguglēju šādu tekstu, nezinu gan, vai rezonē ar tevi:
To see snow in your dreams, denotes that while you have no real misfortune, there will be the appearance of illness, and unsatisfactory enterprises. To find yourself in a snow storm, denotes sorrow and disappointment in failure to enjoy some long-expected pleasure. There always follows more or less discouragement after this dream. If you eat snow, you will fail to realize ideals. To see dirty snow, foretells that your pride will be humbled, and you will seek reconciliation with some person whom you held in haughty contempt. To see it melt, your fears will turn into joy. To see large, white snowflakes falling while looking through a window, foretells that you will have an angry interview with your sweetheart, and the estrangement will be aggravated by financial depression. To see snow-capped mountains in the distance, warns you that your longings and ambitions will bring no worthy advancement. To see the sun shining through landscapes of snow, foretells that you will conquer adverse fortune and possess yourself of power. For a young woman to dream of sleighing, she will find much opposition to her choice of a lover, and her conduct will cause her much ill-favor. To dream of snowballing, denotes that you will have to struggle with dishonorable issues, and if your judgment is not well grounded, you will suffer defeat. If snowbound or lost, there will be constant waves of ill luck breaking in upon you.

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2013-07-11 16:06 (saite)
Cilvēki ir dažādi un vienam sapnī redzēts tomāts nozīmē X, citam - Y. Visādas sapņu tulku vārdnīcas ir bulšits. Mans sagulglējums 99%, ka arī.

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