Un vēl, Slate būtu labāk šo nerakstījuši, jo viņi galīgi ir apkaunojuši sevi kā valodas eksperti. Es jau zināju, ka mēdiju profesionālisms ir galīgā pakaļā, bet tomēr nebiju iedomājies, ka tas ir tiks zems. Šis palags ir ļoti viegli sadalāms teikumos. Piemēram:
Look, [let's talk about] having nuclear. My uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer. [His name was] Dr. John Trump [and he was] at MIT. [He had] good genes, very good genes. OK? [He was] very smart. [He studied/worked at] the Wharton School of Finance. [He was] very good, [and] very smart. If you’re a conservative Republican... If I were a liberal, [let's say] if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world. [And] it’s true!
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