extranjero ([info]extranjero) rakstīja,
@ 2016-04-05 10:22:00

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Interesanta personība ir Tariks Ramadans, kurš ir akadēmiķis, islāma pētnieks. Viņš mērķis ir reformēt islāmu no iekšienes, padarīt to modernu un atbilstošu mūsdienu cilvēku tiesībām. Tāds, kuru visiem, kas nobažījušies par islāma draudiem rietumu sabiedrībai, vajadzētu atbalstīt. Bet izrādās, ka daudziem rietumu fundamentālistiem viņš tomēr nepatīk. Nav grūti pamanīt, ka šajā aspektā daudzi rietumnieki, it īpaši Francijā, ir ļoti rasistiski. Francijas rasisms droši vien arī ir galvenais iemesls, kāpēc viņiem neveicas ar musulmaņu integrāciju, atšķirībā teiksim, no UK. Rasisti parasti arī neiedziļinās tajā, ko šādi zinātnieki patiesībā saka.

Lūk, smieklīgs gadījums, kur pat toreizējais Francijas prezidents padarīja sevi par apsmieklu:
In a French television debate in 2003 with Nicolas Sarkozy, Sarkozy accused Ramadan of defending the stoning of adulterers, a punishment supposedly warranted by a section of the Islamic penal code known as hudud. Ramadan replied that Sarkozy was wrong. He said that he opposed corporal punishments, stoning and the death penalty and that he is in favor of a moratorium on these practices to open the debate among Islamic scholars in Muslim-majority countries that enforce them. Many people, including Sarkozy, were outraged. Ramadan later defended his position arguing that, because it involved religious texts that Muslims take seriously, the law would have to be properly understood and contextualized. Ramadan argued that in Muslim countries, the simple act to "condemn" won't change anything, but with a moratorium, it could open the way for further debate. He thinks that such a debate can only lead to an abolition of these rules.

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2016-04-05 23:56 (saite)
Beidz sevi mānīt, ka ar to šajā gadījumā ir pietiekami.

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