(bez virsraksta) @ 10:56
divi litri zaļās tējas un peter hammill 1976. gada albums "over"
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24. Augusts 2005(bez virsraksta) @ 10:56divi litri zaļās tējas un peter hammill 1976. gada albums "over" | | Add to Memories | Tell A Friend Commentsbet tev jāklausās arī tā dziesma!
On Tuesday she used to do yoga, while I'd sit and watch the box in a vegetable way but always ready to say to myself that I was an artist implying that she was not. It's funny the way that self-pity can take over from self-esteem - well, I was the prince of pride, and though I'd cheat I never lied, as if that were enough to make her happy, as if that could satisfy her dreams. Too late now to say that I'm so sorry, too late to say that I can change and mend the things that hurt... she didn't need to worry, she always knew I'd get there in the end. Sometimes I'd play the wild rover sometimes I'd just get smashed all day... on Tuesday she used to do yoga, on Tuesday she went away hm. esmu redzējusi tikai puslitrīgās. saimniecībā lielākas ir tikai burkas un kastroļi.
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baisi daudz, jā
bet šis ir viens no labākajiem, lai gan netipisks viņš to ierakstīja, kad tikko izšķīrās ar sievu un visas dziesmas ir par šķiršanos tikai viena - par mātes nāvi
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