Nepabeigtā dienasgrāmata

5. Aprīlis 2024

(bez virsraksta) @ 11:38

no šodienas epastu sadžektiem: "The Reason You Can’t Meditate is the Same As Why You Remain Miserable"


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Date: 5. Aprīlis 2024 - 14:06
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Date: 5. Aprīlis 2024 - 17:36
But many people say they have tried meditation and failed. Here are some common complaints about meditation:

I can’t do it. My mind wanders. I can’t sit still. I can’t concentrate that long. I fall asleep. I have too many noisy thoughts.

If your first attempt or first several attempts at meditation resulted in any of these thoughts, then congratulations — you’ve meditated!

Many people perceive meditation as a magical moment of transformation. But meditation isn’t about perfection. It’s about awareness. Being aware that your mind wanders, that you’re tired, that you can’t sit still, that your mind is racing — that’s the point of meditation.
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Date: 5. Aprīlis 2024 - 18:16
Ha! Bet arī izskatās, ka dažiem šis iekrita arī sirsniņā.

Nepabeigtā dienasgrāmata