aņa delovejevna ([info]deloveja_kundze) rakstīja,
@ 2006-12-03 21:59:00

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Mūzika:Haralds Sīmanis

naktī šo man atsūtīja. maza katarsīte, izraudājos un pat aizgāju gulēt dziļā naktī. aiz loga plosījās klusums, un es pat tukšā mājā tipinu uz pirkstgaliem. neiztraucēt klusumu.

close your eyes/ the dark outside can't hurt you/ and i will never desert your bedside/ so close them tight/ the stars are so glad that they've found you/ and on the blankets that surround you/ they shine their light/ they shine their light/ rest your head/ and i will be watching from the doorway/ as you drift into a perfect, peaceful sleep/ and morning will come in all its simple glory/ and you will find the light/ and i will be there/ standing in your shadow/ knowing that you once were mine/ all mine/ my baby

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2006-12-04 01:24 (saite)
atvaino, man tie burti mazliet dīdās un jūk.


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