aņa delovejevna ([info]deloveja_kundze) rakstīja,
@ 2008-09-05 17:44:00

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Mūzika:Donovan - the observation

nu un tagad es absolūtā vientulībā intelektuāli piedzeršos ar baltvīnu un vīru vārdā Donovan skaņu kastītē

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2008-09-05 18:20 (saite)

The days of wine and roses are distant days for me
I dream of the last and the next affair and of little girls
I'll never see

And here I sit the retired writer in the sun
The retired writer in the sun, and I'm
Blue, the retired writer in the sun

Tonight I trod in starlight. I excuse myself with a grin
I ponder the moon in a silver spoon and the little one alive

And here I sit the retired writer in the sun
The retired writer in the sun, and I'm
Blue, the retired writer in the sun

The magazine girl poses on my glossy paper aeroplane
Too many years I spent in the city playing with Mister Loss
and Gain.

And here I sit the retired writer in the sun
The retired writer in the sun, and I'm
Blue, the retired writer in the sun

I bathe in the sun of the morning, lemon circles swim in the
Fishing for time with a wishing line and throwing it back in
the sea. C

And here I sit the retired writer in the sun
The retired writer in the sun, and I'm
Blue, the retired writer in the sun

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