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@ 2024-01-21 21:33:00

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Nu tātad
ko mums civilizācijas pretinieki tur kritizē, paskatīsimies [1]

Degrowth ‘strength is its holistic view. [It] relies not on a single
strand of growth critique but has, from its very inception, braided the seven emancipatory strands […]
together into a cohesive, well-developed, and broad critique of growth’ (Schmelzer et al., 2022, p. 177).
These seven strands of critique can be briefly summarised.

Tātad šiem esot holistisks redzējums par to kā mūs iznīdēt.

 Ecological critique implies that economic growth leads to destruction of the ecological foundations of
human life and there are inevitable limits to growth.

Tas tā notiek ja tehnosfēru izvieto nesaprātīgi un nelieto noslēgtus ražošanas ciklus. Tā nevajag darīt un ar biosfēru viss būs kārtībā.

 Socio-economic critique states that economic growth is not measuring genuine well-being and
equality, and after a certain income level further growth has more costs than benefits and thus becomes

Pirmkārt ``equality`` ir tikai lozungs, ja mēs gribam teiksim samazināt nabadzību tad mums vajag kāreiz intensificēt ražošanu lai produkciju saņem arī nabadzīgie.

 Cultural critique in essence demonstrates that people are becoming less happy and fulfilled in modern
industrial societies and critiques the reductionist perspective of humans as homo economicus;

Aha, ielikt šos teorētiķus viņu iecienītajā dabā un paskatīties kā viņi tur būs more happy, par to ir Klensija `` Rainbow six``.

David Graeber succinctly describes many current day workplaces as ‘bullshit jobs’ (Greaber, 2018).

Nu tas ir cits jautājums, padarīt izglītību efektīvāku un beigt vairot ofisu planktonu ir vajadzīga lieta, tikai es te vēl vēlējos piezīmēt ka šādu rakstu rakstīšana ir tipisks BS job.

 Capitalism critique points out that economic growth depends on continuous capitalist exploitation and
accumulation that inevitably leads to more environmental degradation and social inequalities – both
widely recognised problems in various political circles.

Joprojām aplamais pieņēmums ka nabadzības problēmu var atrisināt ar komunistu stila vienlīdzīgošanu.

 Feminist critique adds the gender perspective in lasting inequalities and the essential role of
reproductive and care activities that are carried out predominantly by women.

Pardon, bet tas nav feminisms, tas ir tā saucamais ``ekofeminisms`` kam ar feminismu ir tieši tik pat daudz kopīga kā astronomijai ar astroloģiju.

 Critique of industrialism emphasizes the unequal distribution of benefits from industrial progress that
furthers other already mentioned problems.

Atkal - tātad voņi tur ražo un sadala nevienlīdzīgi, jēēē risinājums - ražosim mazāk :D tipa tad iestāsies laime :D

 Finally, the South-North critique points to lasting post-colonial heritage in global (dis)order, where
economic growth inevitably depends on relations of domination, extraction, and exploitation of the
‘developing’ world that is locked in this impossible catch-up game with the ‘developed’ countries.

Jā tieši tā - ja tur ir rūdas, tad tās rūdas iegūst, nevis smagi nopūšas ka tas jau vietējiem pieder [ pie nosacījuma ka vietējie iegūt nemāk].

[1] Elgars Felcis, Renars Felcis. Degrowth by disaster or design: convergence of crises and possible pathways in Latvia
Conference Paper, Aug 2023

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2024-01-22 12:06 (saite)
Tādā ziņā — jā, fair point

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