ctulhu ([info]ctulhu) rakstīja,
@ 2023-05-28 01:24:00

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Gnidrīt, nu ir ķeza
Ja mēs lasam par perenniālismu


Tad tur ir rakstīts:

//Giovanni Pico della Mirandola (1463–94) suggested that truth could be found in many, rather than just two, traditions. He proposed a harmony between the thought of Plato and Aristotle, and saw aspects of the prisca theologia in Averroes (Ibn Rushd), the Quran, the Kabbalah and other sources.//

tātad no kabalas arī ietekmējies.

Nu vot, žīdi visur...

[Prisca theologia ("ancient theology") is the doctrine that asserts that a single, true theology exists which threads through all religions, and which was anciently given by God to humans.]

P.S. Nujā kristietību arī žīds uztaisīja, ar to kristietības apjūsmotājam Gnidrim arī kkā galā būs jātiek

P.P.S. Un Renē Genons bija masons: // Following his desire to join a regular Masonic obedience, he became a member of the Thebah Lodge of the Grande Loge de France following the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite.//

nu vienīgais glābiņš ka luters antisemīts :D


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2023-05-28 22:40 (saite)
Ir jēga tad, kad tos nedara tikai tāpēc, lai žīdu ownoti biznesi nenopelnītu miljardus dolāru, parodami čūsku eļļu, kas vislabākajā gadījuma neizraisa nekādas sekas, sliktākajā, nogalina.

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