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@ 2022-04-14 15:02:00

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drusku sīkāk to Fimisteru telosā


Vispirms: Šis Alanas Fimisters pārstāv tā saucamo integrālismu.

Integrālisms, tas ir burtiski sekojoši:

/In politics, integralism, integrationism or integrism (French: intégrisme) is the principle that the Catholic faith should be the basis of public law and public policy within civil society, wherever the preponderance of Catholics within that society makes this possible. Integralists uphold the 1864 definition of Pope Pius IX in Quanta cura that the religious neutrality of the civil power cannot be embraced as an ideal situation and the doctrine of Leo XIII in Immortale Dei on the religious obligations of states.

Pret sekulāro humānismu:

/Catholic integralism (also called integrism) is an "anti-pluralist" trend in Catholicism; the Catholic integralism born in 19th-century Portugal, Spain, France, Italy and Romania was a movement that sought to assert a Catholic underpinning to all social and political action, and to minimize or eliminate any competing ideological actors, such as secular humanism and liberalism.[12] Integralism arose in opposition to liberalism, which some Catholics saw as a "relentless and destructive ideology"./

Nu tātad šis te integrālisms ir teistiska totalitārisma paveids.

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2022-04-14 17:50 (saite)
Man šķiet ka tu pats biji vecskolas liberālis.

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