covid_19 ([info]covid_19) rakstīja,
@ 2021-02-03 14:22:00

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extraņdžēro, skaties šurp
The comparison of the province of Lodi (where a rigid lockdown was imposed in certain areas starting on 24 February) and the province of Bergamo (where it started later on 9 March) on 17 March showed that the first one recovered faster and the exponential increase of cases stopped.

lūk tev līknes - skatamies itāliju ;)

paga, mums taču arī spānija bija, moment, aha:
A first counterfactual exercise
shows that the lockdown implemented on March 14 has reduced the number of potential
COVID-19 cases by 79.5%. The largest reductions in coronavirus cases are found in provinces
that are either close to the epicentres of the coronavirus or adjacent to provinces with more
advanced epidemics. A second counterfactual exercise shows, however, that the number of
coronavirus cases would have been reduced by an additional 12.8% if the lockdown had been
brought forward to March 7th, a reduction that likely would have prevented the collapse of
many hospitals in Spain.

lūk - totāls kokdauns, nekādas kustības, armija ielās, stāt šaušu - globāls skorbuls un komēta!

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2021-02-03 14:59 (saite)
ē - nejaucam mušas kopā ar katletēm

lokdauns pret vīrusu strādā! ja ne 100% pret vīrusu, tad pret veselības sistēmas kolapsu - un ar šo tad arī operējam

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2021-02-03 15:02 (saite)
Lokdauni nepalīdzēja pat pret kolapsu, jo tieši tāpat tūkstošiem cilvēku nesaņēma vajadzīgās procedūras un tas paātrināja viņu nāvi, piemēram, no vēža.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2021-02-03 15:13 (saite)
tad lietuvā tie cipari nokritās, jo visi vēžinieki nomira?

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