pirms uzsākt šo nedēļu, jāpačīkst, ka sliktākais valentīndienas sakarā ir tas, ka dilwala dulhalia la jayenge (1995) jau ir redzēta.
no otras puses, kāda dāma internetos regulāri skatās to atkal un atkal, un katru reizi uzraksta jūsmīgu apdeitu. indijas kinoteātros savukārt tā gāja 20 gadus - vēl līdz pat 2015. to varēja noskatīties dienišķā kārtībā, nekādos ne speciālos sentimentālos seansos.
un vispār I love how Bollywood movies embrace their own ridiculousness.
i tend to hate movies that use all the cliches in this movie but not this one. and why? because this movie INVENTED those cliches.
Is this film cheesy, way too long, and at times contrived as all hell? Yes.
Did I want to cry during my first viewing at the ending train scene, and immediately afterword watched a handful of other SRK/Kajol flicks? Also yes.
i am named after the main character in this movie and it's been 21 years and i still have no idea how i feel about this
my parents are the most practical, no-nonsense people, but hey they had a meet-cute on a bus and named their daughter after a Bollywood movie so
It's like the Titanic" of Bollywood, except it's actually good
atšķirībā no sūda titānika, no kura ir uztaisīti max 5 gifi (lai gan es ļ. novērtēju slīkstošo leo kā ilustrāciju rīgas peļķu problēmai fb lentā), šeit par gifu, šķiet, ir pārvērsts katrs kadrs, ieskaitot