Ūūlę ([info]chimera) rakstīja,
@ 2019-01-08 14:12:00

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tiem, kam nepatīk indieši, nav sirds! also, viņi ir tik aizkustinoši līdzīgi latviešiem maģiskās zinātnes ziņā.

Also in 2017, the education minister for the western state of Rajasthan said it was important to "understand the scientific significance" of the cow, claiming it was the only animal in the world to both inhale and exhale oxygen

In 2014, Prime Minister Narendra Modi told medical staff at a Mumbai hospital that the story of the Hindu god Ganesha - whose elephant head is attached to a human body - showed cosmetic surgery existed in ancient India

Geologist Ashu Khosla said that Hindu god Brahma discovered dinosaurs and documented them in ancient Indian scriptures while presenting a research paper at the Indian Science Congress on Sunday

Lawmaker Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank prompted outrage in 2014 when he said that "science is a dwarf in front of astrology". He added that astrology was "the biggest science" and that India conducted nuclear tests more than 100,000 years ago


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2019-01-08 16:44 (saite)
Atgādina šos mīlīšus: https://www.independent.ie/world-news/asia-pacific/police-parade-nasa-conmen-in-tinfoil-space-suits-36895940.html

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