Ūūlę ([info]chimera) rakstīja,
@ 2016-03-22 09:14:00

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The SAIL 2016 course will start on 14th of August in La Coruna (Spain), and end on 28th of August in Blyth (England). The Captain, the SAIL coordinator, and the BUP secretariat will decide on the exact sailing route.

In addition to 8 teachers, we have 30 place available for students onboard.

The SAIL (Sustainability Applied in International Learning) course is an undergraduate Baltic University Programme course conducted at sea on-board the tall ship Fryderyk Chopin. The SAIL course is based on the participating teachers’ areas of competences and experiences. This means that each year the SAIL course is different with focus on different thematic areas of sustainability, such as: Environment; Energy; Climate; Technology; Economy; Social science; Education, etc. The course will be prepared and run on board by an international group of teachers.

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2016-03-22 14:42 (saite)
ok, paldies, vēlāk papētīšu.

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