black_robin ([info]black_robin) rakstīja,
@ 2024-10-09 20:05:00

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"..the mutual gaze of mother and infant mediates, and is mediated by, the mother's right orbifrontal cortex engaging with that of her infant, and is critical for the development of a stable, secure, individual, no longer fused with, but still deeply bonded with, the mother - a vital foundation for any coherent society of individuals, both mutually dependent and independent as they are."

Domāju par šo surogasijas sakarā. Viena lieta ir, ja bērns zaudē māti nelaimīgu apstākļu dēļ, bet pavisam cita ir speciāli radīt situāciju, kura paredz bērna atraušanu no viņa mātes. Cilvēkiem nevar būt tiesības uz bērniem, bet bērniem vajadzētu būt tiesībām nekļūt par pasūtījuma preci, kam liegta iespēja uzaugt ar saviem vecākiem.

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2024-10-10 09:01 (saite)
Human trafficking..

Then again maybe as long as a child has a loving person to have that bond with, a primary carer. Who knows..
I feel like we are only about to comprehend how much damage on human psyche we carry out with our modern western practices we subject infants and babies to, from formula feeding to nurseries to pharmaceutical overload and general polluted environment to yeah surrogacy and weird family units. It's grotesque

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