black_robin ([info]black_robin) rakstīja,
@ 2023-11-15 16:53:00

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"..the old Finnish unit of length known as the peninkulma, which was originally measured as the distance at which a dog's bark could be heard (around 6 kilometers). Such a unit would be imprecise, changing in length based on the type of land being measured (how far does dog's bark travel through dense forest versus open valleys), but this flexibility offers its own store of information, giving some indication of terrain and accessibility."

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"The old Irish unit of the collop, for example, was defined as the amount of land needed to graze a single cow. Here is the unit that adapts to the practicalities of life, meaning lush, energy-dense pasture would be measured in smaller collops than the same area of barren hillside."

'An acre might be an acre of rock but you know where you are with a collop'

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2023-11-16 09:24 (saite)

somiem ir vēl attāluma vienība "ziemeļbriežu čurāšanas pauze". tas ir, tu brauc ar ziemeļbriežiem un ik pa laikam viņiem savajagas čurāt.

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