black_robin ([info]black_robin) rakstīja,
@ 2023-06-09 13:38:00

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Pleonotic describes an individual or the gender experience of an individual who identifies with a certain gender term but does not use/does not identify with other synonymous terms for that identity.
Examples include: someone who identifies as a boy but not as a man, or someone who identifies as a gal but not as a girl. Pleonotic may, but does not necessarily, refer to a gendernot, genderique or nongender identity, such as: nonboy man, nonmale guy, nongirl gal; nonenby (one identifies as non-binary, not enby).


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2023-06-09 19:22 (saite)
Tu tā arī nespēji atbildēt ko nepareizi pateica T.Karlsons, G.Saads vai JP, kad tika pajautāts (es part nezinu par ko iet run). Vai tik tevis pašas konts nav parodija. Tu gaidi līdzi jušanu vai vismaz konstruktīvas rekcijas uz saviem bēdu un sašutuma postiem, bet pati vnk regurgitē random propagandu, kas nav pretrunā ar taviem šaurajiem pet-pewee. Bad optics.

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