Pilnmēness nogurdinātie

About Jaunākais

Visions of Future6. Maijs 2010 @ 08:15
When light hits our retina, what our brains would like to do is instantaneously generate a perception of what the world looks like. Alas, our brain can’t do this instantaneously. Our brains are slow. It takes around a tenth of a second for your perception to be built, and that’s a long time when you’re moving about. If you perceived the world the way it was when light hit your eye, you’d be having a tenth-of-a-second old view of the world.

Because of this, visual systems have evolved mechanisms to try to generate a perception not of the way the world was when light hit the eye, but generate a perception of the way the world will be by the time the perception occurs in a tenth of a second. By the time the perception is elicited, the anticipated future will have arisen, and the perception will be of the present. That is, in order to perceive the present (have perceptions at time t that are of the world at time t), our visual systems must anticipate the near-future.

// Neuronarrative

Esi vienā vecumā ar valsti?5. Maijs 2010 @ 22:28
To vajadzētu novērtēt kādam antropologam, bet, manuprāt, tas skaidrojams ar Latvijas sabiedrības brieduma pakāpi. Divdesmit gados ir sasniegta valstiska mēroga pubertāte, un šobrīd stilīgi skaitās žēlošanās par dzīvi, kas totāli iesūkā, naids pret jebkāda veida varu un autoritātēm, vēlēšanās mainīt pasauli un nemitīgi sevis identifikācijas meklējumi.
// http://www.satori.lv/blogs/12/Nils_Sakss/6051

Bezpacietība ir pasaules alga16. Apr 2010 @ 00:37
Impatience has probably been a bigger stumbling block in the way of real ability than anything else.

Doing anything well, I'm sure, means hurdling obstacles of one kind or another most of the way to the goal. Skill is the ability to overcome obstacles, the first of which is usually lack of knowledge about the thing we wish to do. It is the same in anything we attempt. Skill is a result of trying again and again, applying our ability and proving our knowledge as we gain it.

Let us get used to throwing away the unsuccesful result and doing the job over. Let us consider obstacles as something to be expected in any endeavor; then they won't see quite so insurmountable or so defeating.

//Andre Loomis, Drawing the Head & Hands

džoels jauki summarizē15. Mar 2010 @ 10:01

Although I appreciate that many people find Twitter to be valuable, I find it a truly awful way to exchange thoughts and ideas. It creates a mentally stunted world in which the most complicated thought you can think is one sentence long. It’s a cacophony of people shouting their thoughts into the abyss without listening to what anyone else is saying. Logging on gives you a page full of little hand grenades: impossible-to-understand, context-free sentences that take five minutes of research to unravel and which then turn out to be stupid, irrelevant, or pertaining to the television series Battlestar Galactica. I would write an essay describing why Twitter gives me a headache and makes me fear for the future of humanity, but it doesn’t deserve more than 140 characters of explanation, and I’ve already spent 820.

-- http://www.joelonsoftware.com/items/2010/03/14.html
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* * *19. Feb 2010 @ 09:26
Над высокими домами,
между звезд и между трав,
ходят ангелы над нами,
морды сонные задрав.
Other entries
» "Vecrīga ir viena no kriminogēnākajām zonām"
klīstošie elementi
» Well met by moonlight
Un vecā sieva, ak, laipnais un žēlīgais valdniek, attrauca jaunai uzvarētājai: Tie nav vis joki! Es iešu ar tevi lauzties! Bet daiļā kundze sacīja: Ak, mana pavēlniece, Posta Māte, ja tu no tiesas gribi spēkoties, tad nāci un palūko! To teikusi, viņa pietrūkās un metās virsū vecenei, un tā nu aizelsdamās šņāca nevarīgā piktumā, un mati viņai uzspūra kā eža adatas.
zem 18 nelasīt )
Un raugi, pēc pirmā sakampiena daiļā kundze viegli atlēca, un ar kreiso roku sažņaugusi vecenei rīkli, ar labo roku saņēma tai kāju, pacēla to gaisā un nodrāza pie savām kājām tik sparīgi, ka vecene locīdamās un kungstēdama smagi nozvelās zemē, bet krītot viņai kājas tirinājās gaisā un redzami bija visi viņas krunkainās miesas smieklīgie un nejaukie sīkumi.
Un visu šo ainu no augstumiem apvizēja mēnesnīca.

» Dorians Grejs kā ziediņš
Caur laikam onkuli uzdūros saitam, kurā tiek publicētas interesantas vēstules, cik izskatās, parasti gana vecas. Vai nu slavenību rakstītas vai saistītas ar kādu būtisku notikumu. Tur, piemēram, ir Vonnegūta vēstule uz mājām pēc tam, kad viņš bija jau pabijis Drēzdenes bombardēšanā un ticis atpakaļ pie sabiedrotajiem; Kortnijas Lovas vēstule mūzikas raidījuma(?) redaktoram par Madonnu, utt. Ir gan vēstuļu skanējumi, gan arī to transkripti (thx goodness).

Arī Oskara Vailda vēstule kādam puisim, kuru bija ieintriģējis Vailda "Doriana Greja" ievadā bilstais: "All art is quite useless":

Included in the preface to Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray is the now famous and often misconstrued line, 'All art is quite useless'. In fact, following the novel's original publication in 1890, Oxford undergraduate Bernulf Clegg was so intrigued by the claim that he wrote to Wilde and asked him to elaborate. The following handwritten letter was Wilde's response.

My dear Sir

Art is useless because its aim is simply to create a mood. It is not meant to instruct, or to influence action in any way. It is superbly sterile, and the note of its pleasure is sterility. If the contemplation of a work of art is followed by activity of any kind, the work is either of a very second-rate order, or the spectator has failed to realise the complete artistic impression.

A work of art is useless as a flower is useless. A flower blossoms for its own joy. We gain a moment of joy by looking at it. That is all that is to be said about our relations to flowers. Of course man may sell the flower, and so make it useful to him, but this has nothing to do with the flower. It is not part of its essence. It is accidental. It is a misuse. All this is I fear very obscure. But the subject is a long one.

Truly yours,

Oscar Wilde
// http://www.lettersofnote.com/2010/01/art-is-useless-because.html

» good news, everyone
Mēmie runās. Vismaz daļa no viņiem:

http://www.physorg.com/news180620740.html? // via reddit

By implanting an electrode into the brain of a person with locked-in syndrome, scientists have demonstrated how to wirelessly transmit neural signals to a speech synthesizer. The "thought-to-speech" process takes about 50 milliseconds - the same amount of time for a non-paralyzed, neurologically intact person to speak their thoughts. The study marks the first successful demonstration of a permanently installed, wireless implant for real-time control of an external device.
» appy appy yoi yoi

» šodienas spamalots
nespļauj akā no kuras tevi banos.
» не в бровь!
[info]indulgence-i tūliņ nolinčos dzīvnieku mīļotāji.

http://klab.lv/users/unpy/310471.html?thread=2577351#t2577351 :

Ja kas, tad visi lielākie slepkavnieki laikabiedru vidū izcēlušies ar izteiktu mīlu pret dzīvniekiem - sākot ar Čingiz-hanu un beidzot ar Ādolfu. Ja par pamatu ņemtu spārnoto teoriju "visi vēža slimnieki ir ēduši gurķus, tātad gurķi izraisa vēzi", tad varētu uizvirzīt hipotēzi, ka mīlā uz suņiem un kaķiem sublimējas indivīda latentais naids pret līdzcilvēkiem, tb ja redzi, ka kāds aicina ziedot Mazpisānu suņu patversmei, tad iespējams, esi dzīvē sastapis potenciālu Džeku uzšķērdēju vai Melno Atraitni. ;)
» ginka bilba
uzdevums sev: trīsreiz uzrakstīt vārdu "entuziasts"

entuazists entuazists entuazists

// Bela Kaufmane, Augšup pa lejupejošām kāpnēm
» spama vēstule par spamu:
ja hujeju, dorogaja redakcija:

7 mīti par spamu )
» eLatvija spārda
Nu bl***! Ja hujeju, dorogaja redakcija.

Intervija ar kārtējās online spēles "Erepublika" e-Latvijas centrālās bankas vadītāju Underteiker:
Cik tev ir gadu un kādā profesijā tu strādā/studē?

Esmu 24 gadus vecs, šobrīd dzīvoju Rīgā un strādāju IT nozarē.

Tu jau vairāk nekā trīs mēnešus esi tas cilvēks, kas administrē eLatvijas lata kursu (sākumā kā Ekonomikas ministrs un pēc tam kā Central Bank of Latvia (CBoL) vadītājs). Agrāk tevi kritizēja par toreiz samērā biežajām situācijām, kad CBoL novēlotās reakcijas dēļ spekulanti izpirka visu latu tirgu. Kurš tolaik bija lata kursa „pakāpeniskās celšanas” politikas galvenais aizstāvis – tu vai prezidents Nameisis?

Ja nemaldos tad tādas situācijas, kad CBoL zaudēja kontroli pār monetāro tirgu, bija tikai 3. Sākumā bija tā, ka zināšanas par īstajiem ekonomikas procesiem traucēja sekmīgi veikt manu darbu monetārajā tirgu; biju nedaudz skeptisks pret regulāru naudas drukāšanu. Tā kā tikko bija pacelti nodokļi visām precēm, uzskatīju par neētisku rīcību iekasēt naudu no nodokļiem un vienlaikus pelnīt zeltu monetārajā tirgū, regulāri drukājot latus. Īsti pat grūti būtu pateikt, kurš no mums šo ideju par lēni augošu lata kursu aizstāvēja vairāk. Es gan pieļauju, ka tā bija vairāk mana nostādne nekā Nameiša. Zināju, ka kursa izmaiņas sagādā īslaicīgas problēmas uzņēmējiem un kursa paaugstināšana automātiski paceļ preču tirgus cenas. Kurss tika mainīts tikai tad, kad strauji sāka pieaugt pieprasījums pēc latiem un bija jāizvēlas vai drukāt lielu daudzumu latus vai pacelt kursu.

» in other news
daria42 writes "In a move guaranteed to annoy long-term science fiction fans, the estate of legendary science fiction author Isaac Asimov, who passed away in 1992, has authorised a trilogy of sequels to his beloved "I, Robot" short story series, to be written by relatively unknown fantasy author Mickey Zucker Reichert. The move is already garnering opposition online. 'Isaac Asimoc died forty years after they were first written. If he had wanted to follow them up, he would have. The author's intentions need to be respected here,' writes sci-fi/fantasy book site Keeping the Door."
// slashdot
» designblog
6. Ko dari, kad ‘iestrēgsti’?

‘Iestrēgstu’ tad, ja neesmu veltījusi pietiekoši daudz laika sākuma stadijā, strādājot pie projekta. Grūtības rodas tad, kad pazaudēju jēgu. Vislabākais risinājums ir sākt no sākuma. Es neticu mistiskai iedvesmai. Katra projekta pamatā ir informācija.

// intervija ar latviešu izcelsmes dizaineri, kas strādā ASV.

Principā varētu attiecināt uz daudz ko no radošā, ne tikai dizainu.
» der Träume
technicolor )
» Also sprach Branden in Ayn's book
There are, broadly, five (interconnected) areas that allow man to experience the enjoyment of life: productive work, human relationships, recreation, art, sex.

Productive work is the most fundamental of these: through his work man gains his basic sense of control over existence — his sense of efficacy — which is the neccessary foundation of the ability to enjoy any other value. The man whose life lacks direction or purpose, the man who has no creative goal, neccessarily feels helpless and out of control; the man who feels helpless and out of control, feels inadequate to and unfit for existence; and the man who feels unfit for existence is incapable of enjoying it.

» Gnostics of the world, unite!
The irrational is the impossible; it is that which contradicts the facts of reality; facts cannot be altered by a wish, but they can destroy the wisher.

If a man desires and pursues contradictions — if he wants to have his cake and eat it, too — he disintegrates his consciousness; he turns his inner life into a civil war of blind forces engaged in dark, incoherent, pointless, meaningless conflicts (which, incidentally, is the inner state of most people today).

// Ayn Rand, The Virtue of Selfishness: a new concept of egoism.
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