Pilnmēness nogurdinātie - Komentāri

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Bezpacietība ir pasaules alga16. Aprīlis 2010 - 00:37
Impatience has probably been a bigger stumbling block in the way of real ability than anything else.

Doing anything well, I'm sure, means hurdling obstacles of one kind or another most of the way to the goal. Skill is the ability to overcome obstacles, the first of which is usually lack of knowledge about the thing we wish to do. It is the same in anything we attempt. Skill is a result of trying again and again, applying our ability and proving our knowledge as we gain it.

Let us get used to throwing away the unsuccesful result and doing the job over. Let us consider obstacles as something to be expected in any endeavor; then they won't see quite so insurmountable or so defeating.

//Andre Loomis, Drawing the Head & Hands
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