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[Oct. 26th, 2007|04:34 am]
[mood |paguris nelabums]

Beidzot tiku klāt Dombura sarunai ar Kalvīti. Sāku apsvērt domu par analītisku rakstu. No otras puses- baidos, ka būs atkal par daudz emociju, savukārt novitātes pietrūkst. Galu galā, nupatās jau visi būs pieraduši pie premjera manīgajām domām un izteikumiem, kā arī pie absolūtas neatbilstības starp izklāstītajiem vispārējiem principiem viņa runās un paša premjera darbībai piemērojamajai loģikai.
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he, he, mēs jau esam zināmi pasaulē [Oct. 24th, 2007|01:24 pm]

skatīt tālāk
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[Apr. 29th, 2007|01:33 pm]
[music |vējš vītolos]

Sēžu un nevaru īsti izdomāt, ko lai domā. Nu ja, par tiem igauņiem taču.
... tālāk ... )
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tieši pēc šī ir tik ilgi meklēts :) [Apr. 18th, 2007|06:20 pm]
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Marking difference from others, determining who does and does not belong to the imagined community, and policing its borders are undeniably central to the phenomenon of nationhood and homeland, but they are not the whole story. National identity is not simply a reaction against otherness. It is about the broader and more complex challenge of projecting a substantive sense of the collective self, the imagined national community, while surviving in the larger world, and the articulation of the nation’s relationship to specific places is absolutely central to this process.
(c)Z. S. Schwartz

UPD: turpat par identitātes un izvēlēto definējošo faktoru nozīmīgumu

And more fundamentally, the particular substance of identity discourses shapes people’s perceptions of their interests and visions of the future in important ways. National discourses cannot be dismissed as mere false consciousness, tools of elite manipulation, or functions of “objective” economic or institutional factors, as instrumentalist theories would have it. Discourses do not merely reflect but help define interests and meanings; they constitute perceptions of reality by making it hard to think outside their boundaries.
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[Apr. 18th, 2007|06:08 pm]
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"The Occupation of Beauty"
Imagining Nature and Nation in Latvia
Katrina Z. S. Schwartz
This article uses the case of Latvia to explore the relationship between discourses of nature, homeland, and national identity. National entrepreneurs construct homelands by infusing physical terrain with national meanings, thereby transforming landscape into "ethnoscape." The author traces this process in Latvia, beginning with the National Awakening of the 1860s, including the interwar period of independence, and the period under Soviet rule. By focusing on the intranational discursive construction of homeland, this article seeks to complicate the dominant understanding of national identity as a phenomenon linked solely to the drawing and policing of boundaries between members of the nation and outsiders.

Izklausās samērā interesanti. Visu tekstu iesviest?

UPD: download here http://www.sendspace.com/file/gi99zf
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CSR- corporate social responsibility [Mar. 23rd, 2007|04:51 pm]
[mood |grrrrrr]

Šķērmi no šodienas 7h ilgušās debašu dienas. Kompānijas, kas lieliski parāda savus labos darbus, bet neprot atzīt savas kļūdas. Kronis visam- lieliskais Shell pārstāvis Bert Fokkema par kompānijas darbību Nigērijā. Dienas komentārs: "I think that your opinion is completely wrong." So much for the respect of consumer, ha. Turpinājumā: "If this were true and my company was lying, I would quit it immediately. One cannot work with a company, when your values diverge." Ha hā, un kā vēl var, draugs mīļais.... tālāk ... )
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[Mar. 8th, 2007|06:39 pm]
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‘Without a coherent identity, actors cannot act; they require a stable sense of self to avoid the fragmentation and splintering that is the mark of insanity’
Susan J. Hekman, Private Selves, Public Identities: Reconsidering Identity Politics.
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[Mar. 6th, 2007|12:37 am]
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upd: ne vella es neienīstu to visu Fr pasākumu. Cita lieta, ka ir bijis niknums par smagu gadu, par ilgāku būšanu prom un visu psiholoģisko spriedzi utt., kas ar to saistīts. Par spīti iepriekšējiem apgalvojumiem un sājo sajūtu mutē esmu tai vietai pateicīga. Un turpināšu būt. Galu galā oktobrī jādodas turp un tamdēļ vien ir vērts saglabāt kaut šķietami korektas attiecības.
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[Feb. 6th, 2007|09:27 pm]
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The Corporation (2003)- Directed by Mark Achbar
ieguvusi Best Documentary Genie Award, Winner 26 international awards, Winner 10 international audience choice awards. Ir kritizējama. Bet ir laba. Un, ja patika Naomi Klein No logo, tad patiks.
P.S.Paskatīties visu var šeit: (upd) http://torrentfreak.com/sundance-winner-the-corporation-released-for-free-on-bittorrent/
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[Nov. 9th, 2006|11:07 am]
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Marksistiem, globālistiem, tiem, kas gaida revolūciju vai paši jūtas revolucionāri un visiem pārējiem.
M.Hardt & A.Negri "The Empire"
pilns teksts sheit: http://www.infoshop.org/texts/empire.pdf

P.S. Izdots 2001 gadā, tā kā vismaz daļai, kam tas varētu interesēt, varētu būt lasīšanas pieredze. Tad tiem man ir papildjautājums: kā jums? un vai?
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pirms sestdienas [Oct. 5th, 2006|07:44 pm]

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Ikdienas liberālisms [Sep. 14th, 2006|09:19 pm]
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Ikdienas liberālisms ir sociālpsiholoģiska attieksme, kura (šīs anketas kontekstā) nozīmē indivīdu un mazākumgrupu tiesību respektēšanu, nediskrimināciju privātajā un sabiedriskajā dzīvē. Jo augstāki rādītāji, jo liberālāka attieksme; jo zemāki rādītāji, jo konservatīvāki uzskati.

no: http://www.politika.lv/index.php?id=11404

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