Aufklärung ([info]avralavral) rakstīja,
@ 2020-01-16 11:15:00

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Sērijā intelektuālās biogrāfijas (the steep and arduous road to classical theism):

I was on my way to seeing it, however. Several crucial background elements were in place by the late 90s. Fregean and related arguments had gotten me to take very seriously the idea that something like Platonic realism might be true. (I would later see that Aristotelian realism was in fact the right way to go, but the basic anti-naturalistic move had been made.) The arguments of Searle and others had shown that existing versions of materialism were no good. Russellian arguments had shown that modern science and philosophy had no clear idea of what matter was in the first place. Whatever it was supposed to be, though, it seemed it was not something to which one could assimilate mind, at least not if one wanted to avoid panpsychism. Naturalism came to seem mysterious at best. Meanwhile, Aristotelian ideas had a certain plausibility. All that was needed was some systematic alternative to naturalism.

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2020-01-16 15:08 (saite)
Mani drīzāk šokē pat vietām manāmais Roda Dreijera pesimisms, reportējot par gadījumiem, kad atkrīt arī Benedikta opcijā dzimušie un audzinātie bērni, jaunieši. Jo tur pat "pašu vecāku kā piemēru" gadījums nelīdz. Vai nu amīši ar rumspringu izspēlē ļoti viltīgu un efektīvu psiholoģisko triku, vai arī taisnība Sērenam, ka īsta ticība var pastāvēt tikai kā pastarpināta nepastarpinātība, un tur mēs neko nevaram darīt, tāda laikam ir Viņa griba. Jo Benediktā opcijā piedzimušie, augušie to saņem kā organisku nepastarpinātību, kā kaut ko pašsaprotamu. Bet laikam ir svarīgi, ka vidusposmā nav, nedrīkst būt pašsaprotami. Diemžēl, cilvēciski spriežot.

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2020-01-16 19:12 (saite)
Āmen, tas gan. Baznīcas dzīve un iespējas vēl salīdzinoši nesen, 80to sākumā, vidū, bija kas tiešām drausmīgs.

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