Šeit no Vošē "Francis of Assisi", tulk. angliski 2012, 90. lpp.
Redzams, ka musulmaņi visumā bija pat, jāsaka, ārkārtīgi pacietīgi ar pretējās nometnes sprediķotājiem -- vismaz šajā vietā un vēstures brīdī.
[Biju Perudžā un redzēju arī sv. Antonija no Padujas eremīta alu kalnos; tur nevar ne īsti apsēsties, ne apgulties, bet viņš tur tupēja pāris gadus, kontemplēja galējās un mūžīgās patiesības].
Among the Friars Minor who had been sent on mission at the time of the general chapter of Pentecost 1219, just before Francis' departure for Egypt, five were going to go among the Muslims of Spain. Having reached Seville, they succeeded in getting into the Great Mosque, where they started to preach against Muhammad. After being arrested and imprisoned, they were sent on to Marrakesh, where Don Pedro - brother of the king of Portugal, who led an army of mercenaries at the service of the Almohad sultan Abu Ya'qub Yusuf al-Mustansir (r. 1213-1224) - was able to get them fried. But disregarding the counsel of prudence by their Christian protectors, they began to preach once again in Marrakesh. This led the sultan to ban them from the city. They soon returned and were again imprisoned. As soon as they were released, they went back to publicly attacking the beliefs of Islam, which finally earned them decapitation on January 16, 1220. A few months later, their remains were brought back to Portugal, where they spurred numerous miracles. And it was in seeing their remains pass by the abbey Santa Cruz de Coimbra that the young canon regular Anthony - the future Saint Anthony of Padua - decided to enter the Franciscan order.
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