Aufklärung ([info]avralavral) rakstīja,
@ 2019-04-09 16:10:00

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Psihoterapeitu drūmi vērojumi:

Q: Many of my friends are in relationships. How come I’m not?

A: Those of your friends who have really great relationships are people who are taking loving care of themselves and sharing their love with their partners. But I would guess that many of your friends are in codependent relationships – taking and caretaking – and if they are not yet having problems, they will likely have them in the future. Codependent relationships seem to work as long as each partner continues to play their assigned role, but if one of them grows and the other doesn’t, then the system falls apart. This is why 40% of first marriages end in divorce, and the rate is way higher for second and third marriages. And, of the half of first marriages that stay married, many have settled for a distant or conflicted relationship.

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2019-04-09 20:05 (saite)
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