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@ 2015-04-05 20:18:00

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7 Step "Tongue-in-Cheek" Guide to Never Having an Experience of God

Are you one of those people who secretly wish you believed in God? Or are you one of those people who believe in God in an abstract way rather than a personal way? Are you actually doing everything you can to never have an experience of God, while denying that this is what you are doing? Now you can continue your spiritual disconnection on purpose, rather than doing it unconsciously!

1. Keep your mind closed to learning about yourself

Be sure not to open your mind to learning about yourself. An open, curious mind is an invitation to God to love and guide you. An open mind will result in you having a personal experience of God, so in order to stay spiritually disconnected, you need to be sure to stay locked into your closed, programmed, wounded mind - your ego mind.

2. Stay focused in your mind rather than your heart

Staying focused in your programmed mind ensures that you cannot connect with and have an experience of God. God enters through an open mind and an open heart, so when you stay focused in your own thoughts - in the past or future rather than in the present moment - you ensure your disconnection!

3. Choose to stay skeptical

Be sure that you stay committed to the "scientific view" that God has to be proven. Continue to pat yourself on the back for needing proof rather than understanding that a personal experience of God comes from letting go of the mind's devotion to proof.

4. Choose to not believe rather than to believe

Since we have free will and we each get to choose what we believe, you need to continue to not believe and to tell your self that "I'll believe it when I see it," rather than "I'll experience it when I believe it." At the same time that you are choosing not to believe, you may also want to deny that you actually have a choice!

5. Fear of being duped

The last thing in the world you want is to be duped, or to run the risk of being duped. After all, not being duped is far more important than being open minded and open hearted. In fact, it is vitally important for you to make not being duped an extremely high priority in your life. This way you can ensure that you will always be vigilant against ever being open enough to get a direct and personal experience of God.

6. Ridicule others' experiences

When others claim to have a direct experience of God, find a way to discredit them. Take a one-up judgmental position that people who open to God are weak and just need a crutch to fall back on. In order to make sure that you never have an experience of God, you must find a way to cast doubt on the validity of their experience and to make them appear wrong and untrustworthy.

7. Make control your God

Finally, and perhaps most important, do all you can to attempt to stay in control - of your own feelings, of others feelings and behavior, and of the outcome of things. The reason this is so important is that the only way of having a direct experience of God is to let go of control, to surrender the mind's control. So be sure to make control your highest priority in life. As long as control is your God, you never have to run the risk of having your beliefs threatened!
Following these 7 guidelines will certainly ensure that you never have a direct and personal experience of God. Then you can continue to believe that you are right!

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2015-04-05 23:45 (saite)
Lai arī gan ticēšana, gan izprašana ir intelekta sastāvā, ticēšanas uzbūve ir mazāk prasīga resursu ziņā.

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