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@ 2013-02-08 16:19:00

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Terrific \Ter*rif"ic\, a. [L. terrificus; fr. terrere: to frighten
+ facere: to make. See Terror, and Fact.] Causing
terror; adapted to excite great fear or dread; terrible; as, a
terrific form; a terrific sight.

Is it a symptom of society in decay that this word has come to mean:

Excellent \Ex"cel*lent\, a. [F. excellent, L. excellens, -entis,
p. pr. of excellere. See Excel.] 1. Excelling;
surpassing others in some good quality or the sum of qualities;

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the unbearable niceness of knowing
2013-02-09 02:03 (saite)
Nice [nais] – adj.
1 pleasant; agreeable; satisfactory:
• (of a person) pleasant in manner; good-natured; kind
2 fine or subtle

Middle English (in the sense ‘stupid’): from Old French, from Latin nescius ‘ignorant,’ from nescire ‘not know.’

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