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@ 2012-11-27 15:13:00

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Greater availability of contraception and abortion in more recent years may have meant that fewer retarded children are born. For example, far fewer Down's syndrome children reach full term these days because of prenatal genetic testing. A few years ago there was a notorious study by Donohue and Levitt that claimed that increased availability of abortion among the American underclass had eventually led to less crime because of the birth of fewer at-risk children.

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2012-11-27 16:39 (saite)
eu nu, tā jau vnk atsauce uz Freakonomics.

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2012-11-27 16:46 (saite)
jā, bet šis arguments par praktiskajiem aspektiem kaut kā nemaz neizskan, jo, protams, interesantāk ir runāt par morāles principiem yada yada. un vispār, fertility rate and intelligence tend to be inversely correlated.

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