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@ 2012-11-14 17:23:00

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"When morality comes up against profit, it is seldom that profit loses."

This is precisely why I believe in regulating the market. Yes, free market is an awesome force that has brought a lot of good. But I also believe that the government has to step in when it’s time to slay the dragons. Free market fundamentalists are against regulations in all cases, in all circumstances. That’s no surprise, since it’s a blind faith.

For them, the market is a God that rewards the worthy and punishes the unworthy. The rich will inherit the kingdom of God. Hence, they deserve all the money they can cheat out of these poor bastards. They are, by nature, smarter and stronger than the debtors.

The market fundamentalists are also wrong on human nature. Our species lack true sapience. We do not posses, on average, the capability to build wisdom and thus exercise sound judgments. We are driven by the biological mandate to garner resources to ourselves and generate new biomass (procreate). That is our deepest drive.

So is it the market that knows best? No, it should be obvious that it does not. Anti-trust, healthy and safety regulations, banning child labor, stopping the “too big to fail”, requiring businesses to follow privacy laws etc. — the government can do a lot to make this “free” market palatable. We’re all the better for it.

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2012-11-14 19:46 (saite)
Nos bono.

Jo vairāk mēs saprotam sevi un par sevi, jo skaidrāks kļūst fakts, ka the human condition is a fundamentally flawed one. Tas, protams, nenozīmē, ka to nav iespējams pārvarēt, taču tas nenotiks nedz pēc līdakas pavēles dabisku procesu ceļā, nedz kā dāvana no neesošas augšienes. If we are to become more than we are now we must go that road completely on our own strength and will.

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2012-11-14 20:20 (saite)
Labi, pieņemsim, bet pats ieraksts saka, ka ir tā, kā ir, tāpēc ir nepieciešams kaut kāds mehānisms, kas jūs tupos dzīvniekus kaut cik organizēs, bet pie tā mehānisms arī paliek, jo tupajiem dzīvniekiem nemaz nepieļauj iespēju, ka viņi varētu celties, jo notiktu neppieļaujamais, tupajiem dzīvniekiem attīstoties, pats mehānisms galu galā vairs nebūs vajadzīgs, tāpēc viduvējībā un flawed species kā status quo ir ļoti izdevīgs 'sistēmai' , kas , protams, to vien grib, kā pašsaglabāties.

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