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@ 2021-04-21 21:31:00

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Why is Everything Liberal?
People who engage in protesting care more about politics than people who donate money, and people who donate money care more than people who simply vote. Imagine a pyramid with voters at the bottom and full-time activists on top, and as you move up the pyramid it gets much narrower and more left-wing. Multiple strands of evidence indicate this would basically be an accurate representation of society.

(..) Liberals are in their personal lives more intolerant of conservatives than vice versa across numerous dimensions in the US and the UK. Those on the left are more likely to block someone on social media over their views, be upset if their child marries someone from the other side, and find it hard to be friends with or date someone they disagree with politically.

(..) The discussion here makes it hard to suggest reforms for conservatives. Do you want to give government more power over corporations? None of the regulators will be on your side. Leave corporations alone? Then you leave power to Woke Capital, though it must to a certain extent be disciplined and limited by the preferences of consumers. Start your own institutions? Good luck staffing them with competent people for normal NGO or media salaries, and if you’re not careful they’ll be captured by your enemies anyway, hence Conquest’s Second Law. And the media will be there every step of the way to declare any of your attempts at taking power to be pure fascism, and brush aside any resistance to your schemes as righteous anger, up to and including rioting and acts of violence.

There’s a way to interpret the data discussed above that is more flattering to conservatives than presenting them as the ideology of people who don’t care. Those who identify on the right are happier, less mentally ill, and more likely to start families. Perhaps political activism is often a sign of a less well-adjusted mind or the result of seeking to fill an empty void in one’s personal life. Conservatives may tell themselves that they are the normal people party, too satisfied and content to expend much time or energy on changing the world. But in the end, the world they live in will ultimately reflect the preferences and values of their enemies.

(..) To put it in a different way, to steelman the populist position, democracy does not reflect the will of the citizenry, it reflects the will of an activist class, which is not representative of the general population.

(..) I’m not suggesting this is the path conservatives should take; they might feel that a stronger, more centralized and powerful government is too contrary to their own ideals. In that case, however, they’ll have to reconcile themselves to continue to lose the culture into the foreseeable future, at least until they are able to inspire a critical mass to do more than just vote its preferences.

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2021-04-22 10:20 (saite)
This struck home for me when I was watching the beginning of one of this season's football matches (on the computer - not in person). The crowd noise had been artificially layered in (no spectators during Cvd). When the players took the knee, the 'crowd' went silent for 10 seconds, and when the players finished their ritual, the 'crowd' burst out in a round of applause.

It was like the scene in Escape to Victory, when the Nazis play a team of POWs.

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2021-04-22 11:30 (saite)
I bet the computer was cheering the non-kneeling poles all the same, eh.

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2021-04-22 16:06 (saite)
No, they dropped it for that one :).

It isn't about the issue (though I have an opinion). It is the jaw-dropping exercise of actually doing that - I mean recording the appropriate crowd reaction. Especially ridiculous considering that when they had let the fans before for a few games, it got booed in several grounds.

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