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@ 2016-07-25 11:28:00

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"While losing the Baltic states would undoubtedly be a blow to NATO, their location makes them of far greater importance to Russia than America. It simply makes no sense to tie America's security to countries of such modest importance that are situated in such unpromising tactical circumstances. If the Obama Administration took the threat of nuclear war more seriously, it would find a way of loosening the commitments it has made."

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Re: kudosi par RU militāro plānu pārzināšanu, thhh.
2016-07-26 00:43 (saite)
laba armija savām vajadzībām, bet nesteigtos palīdzēt pārējiem

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Re: kudosi par RU militāro plānu pārzināšanu, thhh.
2016-07-26 00:46 (saite)
tad palīdzēt-gribošas un varošas armijas šobrīd, patreizējā izkārtojumā, Eiropā nav. ja nu vienīgi briti, kuri arī sāk skatīties citā virzienā.

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