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@ 2013-04-03 18:57:00

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You might wonder about IQ: IQ or "g" is literally the measure of how fast you can recognize and employ new patterns, and therefore how fast you'll master new micro-skills. Kids with higher IQs will do better under time-constraint. But given as much time as needed, and assuming mastery of previous subjects, IQ is irrelevant.

Everyone can recognize a pattern or get a lateral thinking puzzle eventually. Adding the time-constraint splits the world into people who can recognize patterns quickly enough to employ that pattern-recognition in the course of their every-day life, and those who can't: thus, IQ. Without the time constraint, an IQ test wouldn't really measure anything at all.

IQ is believed to relate to intelligence because the ability to see patterns sufficiently quickly gives you a kind of "intuition" for new subjects. It's like a lubrication against friction: without it, new subjects will be "at rest" in your mind, and you'll have to give them a push to get your understanding of them going. With it, they'll just slide down the funnel right into your brain.

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2013-04-04 14:11 (saite)
Nē, iq ir svarīgs un jēdzīgs arī citām lietām, kā minimums, domāšanai kā tādai.

Starp diviem cilvēkiem, kuri noslēgušies no visas pasaules un bīda savas teorijas matemātikā vai filozofijā, pie vienāda zināšanu līmeņa labākus rezultātus gūs tas ar augstāku iq. Iespējams, tas saistīts ar īstermiņa atmiņas apjomu, kas visiem ir puslīdz vienāds. Tikai tas, kurš pietiekoši ātri spēj paternus, paspēj to izdarīt pirms smadzenes ir aizmirsušas datus kuros tos saskatīt.

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