antiprojekcija ([info]antiprojekcija) rakstīja,
@ 2021-10-28 00:18:00

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JBP ķermeņa valoda
[info]bauda, šis Tev, no kultu pētnieka perspektīvas! Goda vārds, nemeklēju, uzdūros pilnīgi nejauši, lasot par kultiem. :)

What speaking like Jordan Peterson probably feels like

"He spoke in the round. He absorbed every dewy-eyed question into his feedback loop. He made lingering and deep eye contact with every woman in the crowd. The inner ring seemed to think he was speaking to each of them individually, privately. (..) On the other hand, there are scads of people who can’t stand watching him or listening to him. They cringe through every breathless paragraph. His strangulated voice is like nails on a chalkboard. They feel claustrophobic at the long droning whine of performed intellectual brilliance."

"I confess: I adopted the Peterson-body while reading from my poetry and novels back in the 1990s, as a classical music vocalist, while teaching yoga or meditation, and while proselytizing for the two cults that I was in."

"Peterson has mastered the muscular ballet of inflated masculine intellectualism. He embodies the wish of otherwise liberal men who feel that speech is the only sanctioned public violence left to them.

He can be pipsqueaky but imperious. He can whine on stage and still be seen as commanding. He can express pain and fragility as an emperor of confidence. He can have his lobster and eat it too."

"Peterson’s body tells them it’s okay to strike out from an avoidant bubble of self-fascination. It says that you can be as wimpy and whiney as you really feel inside, and yet still dominate. His body tells them that their own endless internal monologue of grievance is noble, smart, productive, and should be monetized."

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2021-10-29 23:45 (saite)
Nē, nekad nebiju īsti iedziļinājies. Paldies par to literatūras ieteikumu, sāku šļūkt cauri "White Fragility". Tonis ir kodīgs, bet (pagaidām) neko pat attāli saistītu ar marksistu idejām gan neredzu. Toties man liekas ļoti interesanti, un daudzi novērojumi precīzi. Noteikti uztaisīšu kādu postu, kad būšu pabeidzis.

Līdz šim citējamākais: "[white people] confuse not understanding with not agreeing". :)

Šovakar varu Tev piedāvāt šādu pērli no Times of India micro review of "White Fragility":
"It should be noted that it's written by a white person for white people so people who have been on the receiving end of racism will probably find nothing new in the pages."

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