cits ([info]garamgajejs) rakstīja,
@ 2014-01-27 16:57:00

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Entry tags:health trajectories, moral economy, substances

"The initiative also aims to curb deaths and significant illnesses from noncommunicable diseases, particularly smoking. Mr. Summers identified tobacco-related sickness as one of the “lowest-hanging fruits,” fixable primarily through raising taxes on cigarettes, though avoiding taxing them too high and creating a black market." - Gates and Summers Push Global Health Drive as Moral Imperative

Kāpēc tāds pats arguments par (pret) melno tirgu nedarbojas ar šobrīd nelegālajām psihoaktīvajām vielām? Vai tāds melnais tirgus ir kaut kā izdevīgs globālās veselības uzstādījumam?

Tikmēr Skotijā policija izziņo par "bīstamu MDMA" melnajā tirgū.

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