extranjero ([info]extranjero) rakstīja,
@ 2021-11-12 08:52:00

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2021-11-12 11:33 (saite)
Kas atljauts Jupiterei*, nav atljauts veersim! :D

"Among the her chief concerns is “seasonality in the virus,” meaning diseases like Covid and the flu tend to propagate more readily as the weather cools and people spend more time together indoors."

* https://speakingaboutnews.com/barbara-ferrer-social-welfare-queen-of-los-angeles-county/

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2021-11-12 19:30 (saite)
Žurnaļugas pelnījuši virvi vairāk, nekā politiķi, no kuriem nodevība vienmēr tiek gaidīta.

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