Pegijas · Lī · interjers

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Mans sauklis būtu "Rokas nost no koncertzāles!"
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On 13. Janvāris 2009, 12:24, [info]juris_tilts commented:
Lūk, lūk!
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[User Picture]
On 13. Janvāris 2009, 12:27, [info]starro commented:
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On 13. Janvāris 2009, 12:28, [info] commented:
pievienojos. un no gaismas pils arī!
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[User Picture]
On 13. Janvāris 2009, 12:37, [info]mr_brightside commented:
Rokas nost no zāles!
On 13. Janvāris 2009, 12:56, [info]blondulla replied:
[User Picture]
On 13. Janvāris 2009, 16:15, [info]prtg replied:
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On 13. Janvāris 2009, 12:57, [info]blondulla commented:
ar rokām neaiztikt, t.i. necelt, ja? :)
[User Picture]
On 13. Janvāris 2009, 13:09, [info]mr_brightside replied:
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[User Picture]
On 13. Janvāris 2009, 13:46, [info]kants commented:
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[User Picture]
On 13. Janvāris 2009, 14:51, [info]usne commented:
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[User Picture]
On 13. Janvāris 2009, 16:16, [info]prtg commented:
Helēnu - tautai!
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