Mana izpratne par šovbiznesu saka priekšā, ka tas koncerts būs jaunā albuma promocijas pasākums.
Es gan tajā pielinkotajā lapā neatradu cerēto apstiprinājumu koncertam Rīgā, toties lapā pie ziņām atradu šādu interesantu, bet novecojušu ziņojumu:
"October 01, 2004 Be A Part Of The New Video!
Dear Moby Fans:
Would you like to be in a Moby Video!
A new music video for Moby's song “Lift Me Up” is going to be shooting on Thursday, January 13, in New York City.
We are looking for people aged 18 to 25 who are interested in participating in the shoot. We would ask that you be available for approximately 6 hours on the day.
Please email Jesse at mobyvideo@hotmail.com for more detailed information about the shoot.
Thanks for your interest and support."
Ir brīži, kad ir tā kā žēl, ka dzīvojam tādā relatīvā nomalē...