(bez virsraksta) @ 12:52
Katram 100 000. jaundzimušajam zēnam Amerikas Savienotajās valstīs ir difallija*.
*diphallia (di·phal·lia) (di-fal´e-ə) [di- + phall- + -ia] duplication of the penis.
diphallus (di·phal·lus) (di-fal´əs) a developmental anomaly in which the penis is duplicated either partially or completely; sometimes this may result from a urethral groove that divides the penile shaft. Called also bifid or double penis.
*diphallia (di·phal·lia) (di-fal´e-ə) [di- + phall- + -ia] duplication of the penis.
diphallus (di·phal·lus) (di-fal´əs) a developmental anomaly in which the penis is duplicated either partially or completely; sometimes this may result from a urethral groove that divides the penile shaft. Called also bifid or double penis.
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