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[Nov. 20th, 2024|03:51 pm]
Tu esi tas, ko tu lasi.
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[Nov. 20th, 2024|03:09 pm]
1 cilvēks neveiksmīgi izteicās. Kā nākas, ka tas uzreiz kļūst par partijas oficiālo nostāju?
Ētikas komisija jau izskata attiecīgos izteikumus, čilax
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Haļavnijs Windovz? [Nov. 19th, 2024|01:02 pm]

Šodien internets man ļoti pārliecinoši stāsta, ka aktivizēt windovzu var šādā neticami vienkāršā veidā.
1. Jāatver Widows PowerShell
2. Jāieraksta irm | iex
3. Jāizvēlas attiecīga opcija.

Nestrādās, ja tiek lietots KMSpico.

p.s. Nekas man nesanāca, jo mana winda jau bija aktivizēta. Sanāca noinstalēt KMS un salabot, kaut ko, kas salūzis. Diena nav nodzīvota velti. \
p.p.s. Lietot šo metodi uz savu atbildību, mazgāju rokas nevainībā.
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Veselā miesā vesels gars. [Nov. 18th, 2024|11:50 pm]
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Comparison of working memory performance in athletes and non-athletes: a meta-analysis of behavioural studies

"This meta-analysis compared the WM performance of athletes to that of non-athletes. By integrating data from 21 studies involving 1455 participants, our study revealed a statistically significant, albeit small, advantage in WM for athletes compared to non-athletes (Hedges’ g = 0.30). Moreover, this effect persisted across sports types and performance levels. Notably, this advantage was more pronounced when athletes were contrasted with a sedentary population (Hedges’ g = 0.63), compared to the analysis where the sedentary population was excluded from the non-athlete reference group (Hedges’ g = 0.15). Our findings indicate a consistent link between sports expertise and improved WM performance, while sedentary lifestyles appear to be associated with WM disadvantages. These results suggest the cognitive benefits of sports and emphasise the importance of an active lifestyle for enhancing cognitive health."
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Runājot par saules enerģiju un par to, ka nepietiek vietas, kur uzstutēt paneļus. [Nov. 18th, 2024|09:02 pm]
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Jā es zinu, ka Austrālija nav labākais piemērs.
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Stulbie degroveri, ka tik mūs ierobežot. [Nov. 18th, 2024|12:20 pm]

These results suggest that it is possible to substantially reduce plastic waste mismanagement – one of the grand environmental challenges of the modern era. However, it is also sobering and instructive to consider the robustness of the policy package required to achieve such a result.
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[Nov. 18th, 2024|12:11 pm]
Piemēram, ja tev ir miljardi, tad tu vari nopirkt vēlēšanas un saregulēt visu, lai tiktu pie triljona, kamēr pārējie nevar savilkt galus kopā. Stilīgi. Man droši vien, ka skauž.

Un tas ir nepierēķinot twitera pirkumu.
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[Nov. 18th, 2024|11:55 am]
Vai tu jau aizsūtīji Īlōnam savu CV?
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Interesanti. [Nov. 18th, 2024|11:41 am]

Ja jebkurš cits pērtiķis (ne homo sapiens) atrastu veidu kā uzkrāt daudz pārtikas (hoarding), kamēr citi sugas brāļi turpat blakus mirtu badā, tad zinātnieki mestos skaidrot, kas nav labi ar attiecīgo pērtiķi un vidi, kurā ir uzradusies tāda nedabīga iespēja.
Homo sapiens gadījumā, uzkrājēji tiek slavināti kā kaut kas uz ko tiekties visiem. Un tie, kas mirst badu, ir paši vainīgi.
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Konservatīvie un humora izjūta. [Nov. 17th, 2024|09:18 pm]
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[Nov. 17th, 2024|06:21 pm]
Paldies chatGPT par skriptiem. Pats nekad tādus nebūtu izdomājis.
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Par saprātīgām būtnēm runājot. [Nov. 16th, 2024|12:41 pm]
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Animal sentience is often thought of as a complex, poorly defined, subjective, and abstract concept, raising as many questions as it does answers. If you talk to different people about their views on animal sentience you will undoubtedly get various responses. If you asked a pet owner whether animals have feelings, they would regale you with stories of when their dog comforts them, or is proud of himself when he opens a closed door. A farmer who works closely with his or her animals may tell you about how cow number 19 likes being tickled behind her ears, and how cow number 25 is the shy and cautious one. But then you may talk to someone who sees animals only in terms of their monetary value. Animals to such people are not living, sentient beings, they represent commodities. It is far easier for them to see animals in this way but far less convenient for them to consider their ability to suffer or their need to experience positive emotions like pleasure. How people perceive animals is never black and white, attitudes may depend on the species in question, and the animals perceived mental ability [47]. However, when you consider how we treat the animals we farm for food, experiment upon, or use for entertainment, you can clearly see how important these perspectives are, and which the dominant ones are.
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[Nov. 16th, 2024|09:43 am]

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Šov mast go on. [Nov. 15th, 2024|08:43 am]

Amūrikāņiem patīk šovs, par šo šovu viņi ir kārtīgi samaksājuši un maksās vēl. Tagad varēs baudīt gadiem.
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[Nov. 15th, 2024|12:54 am]
Unlike your stomach your brain never tells you when it's empty.
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Dienas citāts no reddita dzīlēm. [Nov. 14th, 2024|11:13 pm]
"Elon is genuinely an idiot, ketamine has fried his brain, but he spent most of his life being smart, and he can no longer think of himself any other way."
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Dienas citāts. [Nov. 14th, 2024|12:29 pm]
It's easy to hate, it's hard to love.
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Paldies, Borel. [Nov. 14th, 2024|08:33 am]
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Vegānu joki parasti ir stipri nesmieklīgi, atradu vienu vismaz nedaudz smieklīgu. [Nov. 13th, 2024|09:24 pm]
There's a lot of vegan meats now. There's Tofu Turkey, which they call Tofurkey. There's Tofu Bacon, which they call Tofacon. Apparently someone has made Tofu Duck, but they're having trouble with the name.
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Dienas citāts no bluesky. [Nov. 13th, 2024|04:49 pm]
"trying to rationalize with the irrational is, itself, irrational."
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