brookings ([info]brookings) rakstīja,
And what if there is something else going on far higher up the hierarchy than state-approved scientists? What if this is about the organisation of society under the 4th Industrial Revolution? The fusion of physical, biological, and digital identities? You aint going to hear about it, are you? Not in, not in the Washington Post, or the Guardian, or the BBC, or Satori. What if this really is about resetting the way we interact with the state -and the powers above them? Cashless, every transaction recorded. Movements known (face scans to get access to public and private spaces - obviously to check our vaccine status is what it should be), maybe sanctions for misbehaviour (as in Chinese social credit scores) with our UBI cut for transgressions?

If you think this is all crazy bullshit, then you know I wish I had 10% of your self-confidence.

Ar labu nakti.

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