brookings ([info]brookings) rakstīja,
I swear to God, I have never interacted with a greater, more hysterical idiot than you. This fucking virus has been endemic in our society for over a year, and there is no extra mortality in age groups 80 and under. We have probably, to be honest, had it - friends I know have had it for a few days with extremely light symptoms. Healthy kids deal with it without getting a viral load, and so don't pass it on. Regarding asymptomatic transmission, there was a paper published in Nature that could find no cases of it in a huge sample size.

I am all for protecting the elderly and those in risk groups. This is exactly what families, and failing that - the State should do - ensuring they are looked after, kept away from people when the pandemic is raging and so on, but shutting down society with all the negative consequences, and/or then threatening those who don't want a totally new vaccine still in the experimental stage (approved for emergencies only) is insane.

We have been force-fed a diet of hysterical doom-mongering for over 12 months now. Fucking continuous brainwashing with supposedly bright and intelligent people utterly unable to voice normal scepticism. What was the magnification cycle on the PCR tests for example?. Do masks really work in real-world conditions? Do lockdowns even do what they claim to do?

Nothing but a barrage of smug condescension for a fucking year.

You can post what you like in response. I won't read it, and I won't react to it. You are quite simple the biggest cretin I have ever come into contact with in this virtual space.

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