mama drama ([info]virginia_rabbit) rakstīja,
@ 2007-05-29 01:22:00

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Norman Bates' Mother: "Mother, she's just a stranger"! As if men don't desire strangers! As if... ohh, I refuse to speak of disgusting things, because they disgust me! You understand, boy? Go on, go tell her she'll not be appeasing her ugly appetite with MY food... or my son! Or do I have tell her because you don't have the guts! Huh, boy? You have the guts, boy?

Norman Bates: Shut up! Shut up!

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2007-05-30 06:40 (saite)
mh.. howie b

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2007-05-31 01:57 (saite)
jā... kaut kāds nešķīstenis no manis aizņēmas disku un beigta balle

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