mama drama ([info]virginia_rabbit) rakstīja,
@ 2007-03-31 01:13:00

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es zinu, ka tā nav smuki darīt, bet nevaru noturēties, nepārpublicējot vēstuli, ko šorīt saņēmu no kāda japāņu onkuļa, kas (kā jau lielākā daļa šeit vientuļo cilvēku) uzskata par tuvu draugu jebukuru, kas ar viņu jelkad parunājis.

Hello! I think you are healthy, active and happy.
I like to share the beautiful spring day in Tokyo Japan. The photo is near the Imperial Palace, where the beautiful cherry
blossoms are very famous. I took this photo today when I went close to
the spot on business. I hope you will be enjoying the spring season.
See you soon. Bye bye....


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2007-03-31 05:32 (saite)
Maebashi vel tik dazhi ziedini un Matsumoto ari viss vel prieksa.

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Neesi iežurnalējies. Iežurnalēties?