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Esse un 27. maijs - 'El. mīlas peripetijas': part Three

Anna Marija Levi

Esse un 27. maijs - 'El. mīlas peripetijas': part Three

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From: Vedjmah <>
To: Igauņu dīvānu ražotājs@igauņu dīvānu ražotā,
Bcc: Gala produkta apmaksātājs <>,
date Tue, May 27, 2008 at 3:15 PM
subject Re: sofas

Dear Estonian guy,
where are you? Are we or are we not committed to anything? It can't last any longer this way.
Please, do something.


From: Igauņu dīvānu ražotājs@igauņu dīvānu ražotā
To: Vedjmah <>
date Te, May 27, 2008 at 3:17 PM
subject Re: sofas

Dear Vedjmah,
Usually we work in that way. Customer will accept the price offer. You just have ordered samples. But what will happen with rest of the price offer?

Sincerely yours, Estonian Guy

From: Vedjmah <>
To: Igauņu dīvānu ražotājs@igauņu dīvānu ražotā,
Bcc: Gala produkta apmaksātājs <>,
date Tue, May 27, 2008 at 3:23 PM
subject Re: sofas

Are you kidding?
I clearly said that I want these samples! I'm ok with prices!
You said you'd like to sign an agreement. I'm ready to sign for 6 sample items if you can guarantee the delivery times.
As well I tried to express my wish to receive an sample free-form agreement for production of these things I've described.
As well I kindly asked if you could double check the misspellings in your price quote, to correct them and send me back via facsimile signed in your handwriting as proof that you've seen them and realize what has to be produced.
For the rest of the order I'm not certain before I've got samples, seen them being in good shape and quality - and most important timely.
I hereby express my beliefs that we both understand who is waiting on what - to simplify - at whose side the ball is now.

Furiously yours,
  • Man liekas, Tu viņu pārāk steidzini. Divi e-pasti vienas stundas laikā..
    • aha... tas izskatās jau pēc draudiem. :D
      • da ko jūs. kad mēs diskutējām 1294 reizi par audumiem, kas jāuzvelk uz tiem dīvāniem un meilu bombardāžā vienreizīt aizkavējos par 5 minūtēm nomainīt Barry 1 pret Barry 7, viņš man nekavējoši uzzvanīja uz mobļu. ņemot vērā, ka es tobrīd sēdēju uz gprsa un katra ienākošais zvans norauj konekciju, viss bija vēl jautrāk.
  • Es lēšu, ka Tu saņemsi atbildi "you do not behave as a friendly partner!"

  • man liekas, viņš nevar iebraukt, jo tu tik sarežģīti raksti!
    • nē, nē, viņš ir mācījies Harwardā. Pēc nostāstiem.
      • Burvīga piebilde:) Un burvīgs seriāls. Paldies.
      • harvarda, acīmredzot, izkopj domas izteikšanu ārkārtīgi koncentrētā veidā:)
  • manuprāt viņi nobijās no pārmērīgā seksisma teikumā "at whose side the ball is now"
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